A. Race & Jury Trials:
This session provides entry into the NAACP’s work on obtaining the right to vote and subsequently serve on juries. It explains why jury service is important and what legislative reform could be a game changer, leading to a more equitable justice system
David Walker, and Russell Lovell, Jr. Co-Chairs, Iowa-Nebraska, Des Moines NAACP Legal Redress Committee
B. People, Power & Policy – Helping Communities Organize for Progress:
Through years of advocacy, Louis has learned the science behind organizing people to leverage their power and push good policy. Join him as he teaches practical organizing lessons that yield big results.
Louis L. Reed, Author & Reentry Activist, Summit Keynote
C. Biased Policing – Roots, Impact & the Push for Change:
The problems with racial bias in our policing and legal justice systems started centuries ago and continue to plague America and Iowa to this day. How far have we really come in repairing the systemic disparities for Black and Brown people? Come learn about how we got here, and the current efforts Just Voices Iowa is taking to end racially-biased policing as we push for transparency, accountability, oversight, and true police reform.
Harvey Harrison & Lori A. Young, Just Voices
D. An Ounce of the “Cure Violence” Prevention Program: The “Cure Violence” model is a public health approach to gun violence reduction that seeks to change individual and community attitudes and norms about gun violence. Creative Visions was recently tapped by the City of Des Moines to lead the Cure Violence program which operates independently of law enforcement.
Creative Visions Human Development Institute “Cure Violence” Team
E. This is How We Do it - AMOS has been a leader in organizing across organizations since its inception. Join their Lead organizer for: Organizing for Real Change: Cortney Dufford, Lead Organizer of AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy)