3A. Justice for All: Hot Topics in the ACLU of Nebraska's Fight for Civil Liberties. 1) An introduction to the ACLU of Nebraska 2) The growing risks of criminalization of pregnancy loss 3) Immigrants' rights in Omaha Immigration Court and 4) LB 20 and voting restoration. – Joy Kathurima, Legal and Policy Counsel; Jason Witmer, Policy Fellow; Dylan Severino, Immigration Legal Fellow; Scout Richters, Policy Director, ACLU of Nebraska
3B. Improving Equity: A Dialogue on Arrest and Traffic Stop Disparities in Omaha - Todd Schmaderer, Chief, Sherie Thomas, Deputy Chief, Steve Cerveny, Deputy Chief, Omaha Police Department
3C. Restorative Justice Rising: Successful Restorative Justice Practices Using Intervention Programs, Restorative Circles, Reentry Supports, Community Supports, Victim/Survivor Supports – Shakur Abdullah, Senior RJI Facilitator, Community Justice Center & Juvenile Justice Legal Clinic at Creighton University
3D. Going Beyond the Status Quo: An overview of the Juvenile court system with suggestions for improving system practices, accessing community-based resources without court involvement, and demanding Due Process rights for children. Joy Suder JD, Director Creighton University juvenile Justice Legal Clinic
3E. End The Ban! How Advocates Are Working to Improve Food Access for Formerly Incarcerated Nebraskans - Eric Savaiano, Economic Justice Program Manager, Nebraska Appleseed