2A. Ferguson Uprising 10 Years Later - Veta Jeffery, President of Jeffery Consultants
2B. Advancing Wellbeing in Correctional Settings - Rob Jeffreys, Director & Dawn-Renee Smith Assistant Director, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services
2C. Justice Collaborations: Does Your County Need a Criminal Justice Coordinating Council? - Jerry Evans, Coordinator of the Polk County Iowa CJCC / Lifting Justice: How the Nebraska Bar Association Champions Justice through Community Collaboration and Programing Elizabeth Neely, Executive Director, Nebraska Bar Association
3D. Going Beyond the Status Quo: An overview of the Juvenile court system with suggestions for improving system practices, accessing community-based resources without court involvement, and demanding Due Process rights for children. Joy Suder JD, Director Creighton University juvenile Justice Legal Clinic
4E. Diverse Juries Matter: The Campaign to Achieve Juries in Nebraska that Are Truly Representative of The Communities They Serve - Russell Lovell, Drake Law Professor Emeritus & Co-Chair, Iowa-Nebraska NAACP Legal Redress Committee & Tom Riley, Douglas County Public Defender